Whether you’re driving along a back road or along a busy highway, the danger of an animal collision is very real. Deer or large antelope frequently graze along roadsides. They can do a lot of damage to you and your car if you hit one. In fact, there are millions of drivers each year who require the assistance of a collision repair center because of an accident involving deer. To keep you and your car safe, here are several great tips for preventing animal collisions while driving.
1. Break; Don’t Swerve
When an animal suddenly jumps out in front of your car, your first instinct might be to swerve around it. Unfortunately, this isn’t the safest reaction. While you may or may not miss the animal, there is a significantly increased chance that you will hit another nearby vehicle. Car-to-car collisions cause far more damage than a car-to-animal collision. Breaking instead of swerving can help keep multiple cars out of the auto shop. Continue Reading →